Give Your Air Conditioner a Boost with Proper Insulation

Energia central air conditioner

If you’re a new homeowner in Pioneer Valley or just new to home efficiency, you may be in the habit of thinking about insulation as something like a blanket for your living spaces in the winter. That’s because most of us begin learning about insulation when we see the big rolls of fiberglass batt at the home center, or laid out in an attic space.

There’s a better way to think about insulation here in Western Mass, and it will help you understand why insulation is just as important in the summer as it is in the winter.

Tightening the Building Envelope

The building “envelope” is the perimeter of your home or commercial building, or the border that separates the conditioned interior air from the unconditioned outdoor air. Paying attention to the building envelope is key to building efficiency. Think of it as the box or the barrier that surrounds your living spaces, including the walls, ceiling and floor.

Eliminating Air Leaks

Energia’s professional home efficiency contractors examine the building envelope with the goal of locating air leakage. Energia technicians can may use blower door fans to measure the air leakage as well as infrared cameras or fog machines to pinpoint leakage pathways.  Air is a very efficient carrier of heat energy, so any leakage in the envelope will allow heat to move in or out the living space – decreasing comfort and increasing costs. Air sealing is another key service that improves the tightness of your building’s envelope. Together, air sealing and insulation work year-round, to “tighten” the envelope and boost comfort.

Boosting HVAC Performance!

f air is escaping from your home in the summer due to a leaky building envelope, your air conditioner has to work overtime to cool the interior space. With proper air sealing and insulation services, however, air stays where it needs to be. Your home cooling costs drop and the efficiency of your AC increases, all while using less energy than before. What’s not to love?

At Energia, we specialize in making you more comfortable in your home. Why allow cool, conditioned air to escape during the heat of the summer?

Call 413-322-311 or contact us today so we can help you boost your AC system! It is sure to pay off.