Happy 2015. Time to Weatherize Your Home!

The New Year brought in plenty of cold weather to Western Massachusetts. Now that the holiday rush is over, you might have more time to start considering ways to keep the warm air in your home, and the cold weather out!

Now’s the time to make the resolution to get your home running more efficiently with a weatherization upgrade. Getting an Energia weatherization upgrade not only helps save on winter expenses, but can improve the comfort and health of your home.

Energia can help identify the most beneficial upgrades for your home and determine a weatherization plan. We look at your home as a living system to figure out where your home is letting in cold air and where it’s letting the warm out leak out.

Here are a few of the common ways we weatherize homes in the Pioneer Valley area:

Diagnostic Evaluation

We use a blower door test and infrared testing to identify any problem areas that need insulation or air sealing.


We create a unique insulation plan for your home. Spray foam, cellulose, mineral wool insulation and fiberglass insulation all have different benefits and uses. We use a combination that best fits your home’s needs.


Heat is often lost through air movement near the chimney perimeter. We make sure the chimney perimeter is safe and efficient by testing combustion safety and installing flame-retardant insulation.


We clean and repair any ventilation systems like bath fans, kitchen exhaust fans, and clothes dryers to keep your home dry and warm. We also make sure your home’s ductwork is cleaned to ensure proper ventilation. Health and air quality are our highest priorities for your family.

Let Energia make sure your home is functioning well as a dynamic, living system. When it functions well, your indoor air quality is improved and you save money.

We’re here to make sure 2015 is your most efficient and money-saving year.

Talk to our professional team to schedule a free evaluation.
